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Mandatory Disclosure

Affiliation Number: 830149 School Number: 45118

AJPS is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi (CBSE). The school follows the Ten plus Two (10+2) Pattern of Higher Secondary Education Scheme of CBSE. The CBSE sends timely communication with respect to academic and non-academic initiatives of schools, which are affiliated with the board. At AJPS, we follow a stringent process for following, implementing, communicating every enterprise driven by the Board. The school ensures every information on behalf of the CBSE Board is duly communicated for timely comprehension and response. CBSE Board primarily endeavours to:

  • Incorporating innovative methodologies and enabling student wellbeing, overall growth and welfare.
  • Refurbishing Examination and Evaluation techniques.
  • Emphasis on Skill Enhancement and Job- Orientation.
  • Offering a plethora of Workshops, Trainings to enhance teaching and pedagogical skills.